Latest Past Events

Ulrike Almut Sandig: Poetry Reading & Peformance

Lanitis Carob Mill Limassol

The Goethe-Institut Cyprus is supporting the third edition of the International Limassol Book Fair with the participation of the German poet Ulrike Almut Sandig. Limassol International Book Fair is a leading cultural initiative focused on Books and Letters. We were here. Poems on the Present Full of humor, musicality, lightness and rage, Ulrike Almut Sandig's poetry has loops […]

Free admission

Emil and the Detectives

The International School of Paphos (ISOP) Aristoteli Savva 100, Paphos

As part of the Weeks of the German Language 2024 and in celebration of the 125th birthday of Erich Kästner, we warmly invite you to the screening of the family and children’s film “Emil and the Detectives”. This adaption by Franziska Buch is based on Kästner‘s renowned novel of the same name.  “Emil and the Detectives” tells the exciting […]

Free admission

Digital Marketing for Publishers: Strategies for the Future

Lanitis Carob Mill Limassol

Registration: The Goethe-Institut Cyprus is happy to support the third edition of the Limassol International Book Fair with with Felicia Hofmann's participation in the full-day professional conference that opens the fair. On this day, experts from the book industry in Cyprus, Greece, Europe, and the Arab world will come together to discuss local, regional, and […]

Free admission, registration required